Tuesday, January 19, 2016

conflict victims reach NHRC seeking justice

The families of the conflict victims on Tuesday knocked on the door of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) seeking its intervention for justice.
Families of conflict victims Krishna Prasad Adhikari, Arjun Lama, Maina Sunuwar and Ujjan Kumar Shrestha and torture victim Janak Raut met with NHRC Chairman Anup Raj Sharma imploring the latter to mount steps for their justice.
The conflict victims complained they were deprived of right to justice even after a long struggle driven with hopes. They added that there was a bleak environment that they will receive justice from transitional justice mechanism.
They pressed for the protection of their right to carryout ritualistic cremation of their loved ones forced to disappear during the conflict era by excavating their bodies.
The victims further complained that the failure to implement the court’s order on taking action against the culprits did not allow them to get a sense of justice being imparted. They urged NHRC Chair Sharma to take the initiative to provide them with justice.
On the occasion, Commission Chair Sharma responded that the NHRC was working continuously to give justice to the victims and it was ready to lend any kind of support to the transitional justice mechanism to ensure justice to the victims of the armed conflict.
The NHRC was working for protecting the human rights of conflict victims.

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